The Sanity Gap of Indian Society

When it comes to blaming the Government about nation problems, it is very easy. And yes, we should ask questions to Government, always.
But what about the problem, which the nation and society are facing because of “US”.
All the problems of the nation are not alike when it comes to problems like terrorism, infrastructure, there is no doubt, the government is best equipped to solve that.
But what about the problem of sexual molestation of children, violence against women, mob lynching, can the government be accused of inaction?

No, the problems like these, are only because of us and these are in hundreds. I am writing about the five major problems, based on my experience.

1. Discrimination: India is a diverse country so does the type of discrimination. You just name it, you will find that discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of caste, Discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, class, region and so on. Every type of discrimination can be found here.
Being an IT professional & a Traveler, I visited many parts of India, and I found it the same in every part. We blame about modern and equal rights, but in life, we are very far from this fact.

2.    Dowry: Let’s accept this, that this is one of the big problems in India now. This social evil is one of the main reason for female feticide in India. It is the main cause which has made people think that a female child is nothing but a burden. Due to this many families start saving for Girl’s marriage instead of investing that money on her education.
I have seen the suffering of a bride's father during her marriage. He sold his land, took a loan from people, broke his FD just to fulfil the demands of the groom's family so that his daughter can get married in a so-called “The good” family.
Even no one wants to stop this race, the rich people are showing off their wealth and the normal/poor families are creating this pressure for themselves.
Even I saw many incidents, where after marriage also, the groom family keep demanding dowry, which is making it the worse condition for the girl to live.

3.    Female safety: It is not hidden from anyone that female safety in India needs a lot of improvements.
The female harassment has become a common issue in almost every city of India. I sometimes wonder what has happened to the morality of the young teens of India when I see youngsters passing comments on girls outside colleges, schools and even in offices.
We are living in a country where we are justifying the marital rape for our family values. Seriously? Family values and rape in a single statement. But yes, again in most rape cases, known people are involved.
I heard about many events from my female friends about the harassment in the family only, and they can't speak about it, because of “those family values”.
Even we can’t deny the domestic violence against women, it’s very common in the major part of India.

4.    Lack of humanity:  This is clear from the newspapers, almost daily I read people ignoring roadside accident victims just because their car will get some blood stains. There have been instances were murder has taken just because a class 11 student wanted the school to extend the dates of examinations. These instances make me wonder where our society is heading. Mob lynching is very common today, we can’t respect opinions now. We are too afraid of losing our “so-called culture & Values”, which we are not following at all. We are leaving parents for comfort and money.
We have preferred cast, colour, religion and country over Humanity, always.

5.    Population: Because of the population, the government finds it very difficult to execute plans. Unemployment is not Govt failure, it’s ours. Food scarcity, traffic jams, encroachments, “you just name it”, these problems are mainly due to the population only. How much subsidy a Govt can give? They need to give subsidy, need to waive off the loans for this big population, with limited resources.

And one of the surprising factors for this behaviour is that “anonymity of any kind cut the sense of personal accountability and civic responsibility for one’s actions”. But instead of depending on anyone, each person has to take the responsibility and initiative to solve the problems in society. Change should come from ourselves first.

PS: Don’t forget, as soon as you get off your computer or phones. Small efforts can make big differences.


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