Father.. where are you going?

Father, Father.. where are you going?
O spent some time with me…!!
Speak father, speak to your little boy,
or else I will be lost…!!
The day was bright, no father was there..
the child was crying.. But no father was there…
The night was dark, no father was there..
The child was wet with dew.. but no father was not there..
The mire was deep, and the child did weep.. But no father was there…
Then where is THE FATHER?
The father is somewhere.. working from 9 to 9..
the father is busy in making money for his child…
the father is busy in real estate.. so that his child can smile…
But the father is not aware.. he lost his child…
Father, O Father, I need your time..
I want to play with you..
I want to laugh with with you…
Yes, yes, Money is important.. but dont forget…
am your child.. so make me smile
Make me smile now..!!
Father, Father.. where are you going?
Pleae dont go so fast…or else I will be lost…!!


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