Respect Your Feelings

I was a friendly and fun loving person. I have a good number of friends and girl friends too. But I did one mistake I care my friends more than me.... and it sucks. I always compromise ..  each and every time I thought that next time they will think about me .. but I was a rural, dumb boy. I did not know the rules of society, I did not know that people around me were selfish. Any time went for movie, I only watch movie which my friend like, because when I suggest something, no one is here who can give importance to my words, and I thought next time they will.  They never called me, each time I called them. They only told what happen to  them, they don't care how I am. And the whole thing was going on.
Due to which I was in stress, in full stress... I think anyone will. I don't want to show any negative attitude, and things happening around me, are making me more weak. I couldn't concentrate on studies, career, family anything. But one day I watch some videos Dale Carnegie, these were really inspirational. When I was watching the videos I realize where I was lacking. What is wrong with me ?
This all was happening because we didn't care for our self, for our own... We should maintain the relations , we should sacrifice, but note such that we even can't care for our self. We should prioritized our choice, and there should at least some what of self ism, which may help us in caring our self. 
I didn't have much experience of life, but till whatever I analyze is You should respect your feelings, your wishes.... you should do what you want... A number of time you have to do something you will not want, but you are enough intelligent that you can find out what you should do and what you want to do. And if these two doesn't match, then check out your priorities, in this type of situation the answer only depend on your priorities. If you will not do what you want to do, there will be lots of frustration and it will leads to anger, anxiety, worry and more worst it can destroy the relation too. 
So just make a list of thing/ task you want to do, you want to visit or whatever... and then along with your job try them one by one.... don't wait that if you are going for outing, your best friend should be there.  It doesn't matter much, if you want , you should do  it right now, if your priorities allowed it. Because may be at this time your friend is busy and when he get free... you are.
I don't know whether it will work out or not, but in my case it works.. I was very disturbed, but once I start doing this, I was much happy, full of joy and more energetic at work. 
Hope it will be effective for you. 


  1. do any thing which keeps u happy.

  2. What i've learnt from my life is "If you want to be happy, you hv to be selfish" :D :D

    1. summit ... i think selfish, in a way that it don't hurt anyone at least ... !!


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